From the narrative, a rough floor plan was drawn based on what each person interpreted the soundscape to be. These floor plans were handed off to another student who was expected to create a model that would be influenced by the floor plan but would incorporate our own narrative. The floor plan I inherited highlighted the movement of people through the space and allowed the movement to inform the shape of the building. I broke up the floor plan into modules of different squares that were shaped with different curves to emphasize movement. I then connected the modules through moments of matching geometry to create a structure of a space where multiple families could live. The space's design is influenced by children's playgrounds: there is a second story that is not quite placed above the first story, there is a passageway through the bottom of the structure that resembles the spaces under playgrounds where children assemble, there are interesting paths and ladders on sides of the building to encourage physical activity and socialization among different families.
Class: 4.023
Materials: chipboard, basswood sticks
The project began with a pre-recorded soundscape that would influence a narrative. The soundscape had a range of different noises ranging from a dog barking to a microwave starting to woodworking. The narrative that I wrote from this soundscape involved a married woman and her husband preparing a house for a social gathering. The narrative flashes back to the woman when she was a young girl and was watching her parents prepare to host a party at her childhood home, highlighting the fact that she now goes about doing the same actions that she once watched her parents do years ago.